Lahore School of Economics
blog has been nominated in annual Pakistan Blog Award 2011. Voting is on! Readers of Lahore School Blog to please vote
here. You can rate the blog (golden little stars for rating and voting are under the top line). Better still, please comment and show your support for the leading education blog in Pakistan that is also one of the oldest in the country. It started in 2004 when the word blog was less known. It is Colors of Pakistan : Celebrating The New Media Spaces continuously ever since and has been a source of motivation for many young scholars of the Lahore School to start their own blogs. The voting is open throughout till the December 5, 2011.
here. Comment
Labels: Fine Art of Blogging
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12:54 PM,

At 5:19:00 PM,
Tayyiba said...
I have been reading this blog since so long and always found new perspectives. Asgher sb write in a very impressive way. Indeed this is the best blog.
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